The Beacon Centre: 01494 677764 Membership: 01494 675891

Past Productions

Come and see our next show...

Single Spies

by Alan Bennett

Wednesday 25th to Saturday 28th February 2004

The Beacon Centre
01494 677764

A Flea In Her Ear

by Georges Feydeau

performed by BTG May 1982

A Classic Farce

Raymonde suspects her husband, Victor, of infidelity and she turns to her best friend, Lucienne, to help her gain proof. They concoct a ploy-based on a perfumed letter-to trap him at the Hotel Coq der. In true Feydeau fashion the plan misfires; the plot is complicated by confused identities, revolving beds, a great many doors and the fact that the foolish hotel porter, Poche, is the exact double of Victor.

In Rehearsal
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