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19th to 22nd November 2003

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01494 677764

Canterbury Tales

by Geoffrey Chaucer

performed by BTG November 1986

A Play

All the humour and bawdiness of the fourteenth-century travellers recounting tales on their way to Canterbury.

Produced by Paul Richards and Andrew Rogers
The Prologue
John Hone as the MC
The Knight’s Tale
Neil Ridyard as Knight
Steve Jarrett as Palomon
Vince Morris as Arcite
Norman Robson as Theseus
Debbie Lewis as Emily
The Reeve’s Tale
Stuart Kellett as Reeve
Tim Martiensson as John
Jonathan Margetts as Alan
Phillip Sheahan as Miller
Alison Sydenham as Molly
Gill Rea as Mrs Simkins
Andrew Viall and Fae Longman as Horse
Lucy Harris as Singer
The Cook’s Tale
John Hone as Cook 1
Clive Rogers as Cook 2
Vince Morris as Cook 3
Alun Rhys Williams as Cook 4
The Wife of Bath’s Tale
Glenys Rhys Williams as Wife of Bath
Barnaby Lathom-Sharp as Knight
Michael Duffy as King
Ann Wyllie as Queen
Debbie Lewis as Hag
Phillip Sheahan as Woman 1
Stuart Kellett as Woman 2
Jonathan Margetts as Woman 3
The Nun’s Priest Tale
Ann Wyllie as Nun
Chris Brimelow as Chanticleer
Rena Brimelow as Pertelote
Michael Duffy as Gwen
Evelyn Frith as Fox
The Pardoner’s Tale
Min Harris as Pardoner
Tim Martiensson as Tom
Jonathan Margetts as Dick
Phillip Sheahan as Harry
Gill Rea as Barmaid
Gill Rea as Shopkeeper
The Merchant’s Tale
Vince Morris as Merchant
Norman Robson as January
Neil Ridyard as Justinus
Evelyn Frith as May
Steve Jarrett as Damien
Rena Brimelow as Proserpine
Chris Brimelow as Pluto
The Miller’s Tale
Phillip Sheahan as Miller
Jonathan Margetts as Nicholas
Min Harris as Alison
Phillip Sheahan as Absalom
Stuart Kellett as John
The Complete Cast directed by Ann Webb
Alun Rhys Williams
Steve Jarrett

Production Co-Ordinator - Vanessa Yates and Lynne Benest
Stage Manager - Ben Benest
ASM - Glenys Rhys Williams
Set Design - Chris Brimelow
Lighting - Liz Beckmann and Martin Garnett
Sound - Liz Beckmann
Music - Alun Rhys Williams Properties - Kath Gold and Ann Ritchens
Costume - Gina Richards and Rita Presnell
Make-up - Judy Austin Box Office - Bernard Cane and Angela Hone
Front of House - Aviva Wiseman
Photography - Martin Garnett and Norman Robson
Poster and Programme Cover - Emily Hone
Publicity - Fae Longman

This production was performed at The Chiltern Theatre on Wednesday 12th November to Saturday 15th November 1986.

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