Box Office: 01494 677236 (Lanmark Events) Membership: 01494 676960

Past Productions

Come and see our next show...

Winnie The Pooh

by A. A. Milne - adapted by Glyn Robbins

17th to 19th May 2007 (Matinee on 19th May)

The Beacon Centre
01494 677236

The Dresser

by Ronald Harwood

performed by BTG 25th to 28th May 2005

If you missed this play in the West End...

This wonderful play is a study in vanity, loneliness and ambition, that also has many comic moments.

The action takes place in a provincial British town in 1942 during an air raid.

‘Sir’, an actor-manager – and no youngster himself – is trying to keep his troupe going through all the privations the war can throw at him, including a distinct lack of Brown & Polson and a cast comprising “old men, cripples and nancy-boys”.

We join the cast and crew as they prepare for a production of Shakespeare's "King Lear"

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